About the site

Hi, my name is Manka and I recently finished my GCSEs and along the way I have created a range of digital resources by looking at specifications, textbooks, websites, revision guides, and just about every other resource that’s out there.

I initially created them for personal use and organisation, since I realised that making my notes on paper was just taking far too long because it was harder to add bits in or change certain aspects, and this fine-tuning process was very important to me. I wanted to share these with other students looking for precise content, especially in English and humanities subjects, where there is a lot of unnecessary content out there that you need to filter through before getting to the good stuff that gets you the marks.

The information and resources here is essentially everything that got me to the top grades. For some subjects that are more absolute in their content such as maths and sciences, I haven’t made content notes simply because I found them to be subjects that are more straightforward in terms of identifying what you need to know.  

If you do find any errors or anything you think that needs to be added, please email me and I’ll be glad to alter them. Also, if you have a resource that you have made and would like to share, you can email me and I would be happy to put it on the site.

I hope you enjoy the site!